Up to 30%
of the energy that is consumed
by a building is wasted.
EMCOR is serious about being "green" and we are committed to saving energy and reducing energy costs for our clients.
Turning off a single computer monitor during nights and weekends saves an average of $30 in annual costs per computer. Simple energy saving methods enabled across an entire office can pay big dividends in the long run!
However, there are simple steps that virtually every facility can take to cut down on waste, resulting in both energy and cost savings. Answering the following questions—and then taking indicated steps—can help prevent a few of the most common off-hours energy wasters:
Are lights left on?
This common issue can be corrected by educating employees and vendors (where cleaning is done at night), and by installing occupancy sensors.
Are computers, printers, and other office equipment turned off?
Enable energy saving features so that energy use is minimal when not in use.
Is the HVAC system running around the clock?
Make sure HVAC systems automatically adjust their operation during ‘off-hours’: nights, weekends, and holidays.

New technology has allowed for the development of automated processes to control lighting, HVAC, and other systems which help to identify and eliminate building waste.
Contact us to learn more about these and other energy-saving initiatives.
Click to see 20+
little-to-no cost
energy tips online.
Call: 949.460.0460 or Contact us.
Visit: www.mesaenergy.com
EMCOR Services Mesa Energy Systems
2 Cromwell
Irvine, CA 92618